5 Things to Start Your Web Project Successfully

Starting a web project is an exciting endeavour, but it can also be overwhelming if you don't have a clear plan in place.

To ensure your web project gets off to a great start, there are five essential elements to set you on the path to success.

1. Logos

The Foundation of Your Brand

Your logo is a critical part of your brand identity, and it's essential to have it polished and in the right format. Sometimes, clients provide logos that are in need a professional touch up. 

Take, for instance, the case of
Civiltech. They initially provided a logo designed in Word, which lacked the finesse they desired. To rectify this, they entrusted the task of polishing and converting the logo into various formats to ensure flexibility during our design process. Your logo is often the first thing visitors see, so investing in its quality is a wise move.

Tip: it’s important to have your logo in various formats, for example stacked and vertical, as it gives the web designer more flexibility when designing your navigation banner.


Polished version with various options.

2. Crafting Key Messages

Connecting with Your Audience

Your website's key messages are the gateway to engaging your audience effectively. When thinking about your key messages, consider your target audience and what problems your product or service can solve for them. 

Let's look at
MH Training as an example. Instead of simply stating that they offer training for Mental Health First Aid, we created an emotive hook: "We are encouraged to ask our colleagues and employees, 'Are you okay?' But what do you do next?" This resonates with users on a personal level, connecting with the problem they face and highlighting how MH Training can provide a solution through their workshops.

Tip: ask yourself, what problem does your audience have and how can we solve it. That’s your hook.

3. Quality Graphics and Images

Elevating Your Brand

Visual elements play a pivotal role in web design. The Policy Room's website is a great example of using high-quality graphics and images effectively. Salli invested in a professional photoshoot creating a personalised and engaging experience for visitors.

She also had her graphic designer daughter develop custom graphics that we were able to incorporate as design elements, contributing to a cohesive brand identity. Consider these visuals as brand elements that help your website stand out and leave a lasting impression.

Tip: the graphics can then be converted into social templates

4. Content

The Heart of Your Website

Quality content is the foundation of your website's success. The question here is not about the detail of the content but about who will create it. If you're unsure about your writing abilities or lack the time, consider our copywriting services. Our professional writers (not AI generators) can craft content from scratch, refine your bullet points, or even transform voice recordings into engaging written material. 

Consider the example of the
Remote Pools Project, a philanthropic initiative with a distinctive approach to enticing individuals to join their cause by serving in remote communities. Crafting the perfect language was essential to effectively convey the opportunity and draw in suitable candidates.

Our content writer conducted interviews with the client and subsequently formulated the core messages and page content.

5.  Call to Actions (CTA)

Guiding User Actions

Lastly, your website should guide users towards taking specific actions. Whether you offer products or services, it's essential to make it clear what visitors can do next. If you're a service-oriented business, like consulting, provide links for users to book a consultation. 

A well-placed CTA can significantly increase user engagement and conversions.

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From July 1, Universal Analytics will stop processing. This means you will need to upgrade to GA4 to keep all of your data. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the newest version of Google's analytics platform, designed to provide deeper insights and enhance tracking capabilities. In this blog post, we'll walk you through how to upgrade to GA4, and also how to keep your historical analytics data. How to upgrade to GA4 Login to Google Analytics Go to GA4 Setup Assistant Click Open connected property Click Go to your GA property Select Data Streams on the left hand panel Select your stream Select View tag instructions and follow the steps to install the tag manually Now go back to Setup Assistant and complete the checklist to finalise your upgrade to GA4 How to save your historical data You will also need to make sure you download any historical data you want to keep. Go to your Universal Analytics Select the report you want to download. Note that you will need to download these individually, so under Audience you would need to download Overview, Active Users, Audiences etc separately. Set your date range Click Export and select your preferred file type
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Social media is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience, increase brand awareness, and drive traffic to their website. But in order to see success, it's important to avoid common mistakes that can hurt your organic reach and engagement. Here are the top 5 organic social media mistakes to avoid: 1. Not having a clear social media strategy Posting without a strategy is like driving without a destination. You might reach somewhere, but it's unlikely to be where you want to be. A social media strategy should start with defining your goals. What do you want to achieve with your social media? Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, or boost sales? Once you've identified your goals, you can then determine who your target audience is and what type of content will resonate with them. Always remember it's important to have a mix of content, so you don't oversaturate your audience with the same type of posts. 2. Focusing on quantity over quality Posting frequently is important, but not at the cost of quality. Posting low-quality content can lead to your audience disengaging if they feel like you are bombarding them with content they aren't interested in. Instead, focus on creating high-quality content that provides value to your audience. 3. Ignoring engagement and feedback Social media is all about engagement, so it's important to listen and respond to your audience. Ignoring comments or feedback can result in a loss of trust and decreased engagement. 4. Posting at the wrong time Posting at the wrong time can result in your content being missed by your target audience. Make sure to research the best times to post on each social media platform to maximise your reach and engagement. We also recommend taking a look at your stats to see if there are particular days or times of the day that your audience engages with you. 5. Not analysing your data Analysing your social media metrics is essential to understanding what's working and what's not. Without this data, you won't be able to adjust your strategy and improve your social media performance. Use analytics to identify your best-performing content, optimal posting times, and audience demographics. For example, perhaps you always thought that your core audience is women ages 25-35, but your stats show that 35-45 year olds are actually more engaged. This means you can adapt your content strategy to better serve that audience demographic. 6. Not adapting to algorithm changes Social media algorithms are constantly changing, and these changes can have a significant impact on how content is distributed and seen by audiences. Not adapting to this can have a detrimental impact on your social media efforts, so stay up to date and adapt your strategy as needed. For example, the algorithm currently favours reels and video content over static content, so try and incorporate these where possible.
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